Monday, June 17, 2019

Artist Statement. Tips for writing.

What is an artist statement?

The artist statement is a space for you to explain your art. It should focus on the “why” of the art.

Do I need to write one?
If you want people to understand who your art is for and why you do what you do, this is your chance to get inside your creative mind quickly and effectively.

Tips for Writing an Artist Statement

Explaining your ideas, concepts, and motivations. Avoid  “art speak” or complex jargon that only serves to confuse rather than aid the viewer.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Очень интересная книга. Unique Book!

Очень интересная книга о цвете - переиздана с 1821 года.
Republished from 1821 
 Ею пользовался Чарлз Дарвин.
 “Werner’s nomenclature of colours” British Museum of Natural History.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Не знаю что это такое... просто сюр... (одна из старых работ)

было скучно рисовать просто шары и конусы, сделала отступление...

Цитата дня: "Мы не знаем что это такое. Если бы мы знали что это такое, но мы не знаем что это такое".

Nice quote

How to make sea glass

read more to see sea glass art and craft  ----->

From my past - working in garage....


acrylic on canvas board (8x10 in)

Tall Ship

just finished...

acrylic on canvas board

Some pages from my Art and Design Portfolio

С юмором о жизни художника...

My watercolour Art.

Watercolour painting Tips. How to remove pencil lines.

My Watercolour Sketching

used: Daler Rowney watercolour set (12 half-pans), 
bamboo brush

Sketching with   @renne_lera

Islamic Art. My project at college.

more on  my instagram page

Asian Art. My project at college.

more on  my instagram page

Islamic Art. Persian Miniature. My project at college.

more on  my instagram page

Книга. А. Борисюк "ЛЕОНАРДО ДА ВИНЧИ"

My drawings

project inspired by Asian Art

Learn how to draw. Уроки рисунка от Олега Торопыгина

Some new drawings (my school art project on Egypt).

My pencil drawing.



обожаю ракушки, а особенно - наутилусы!
Рисовала с фото с какого-то музея...
acrylic on canvas 60 x 60
c рамой:

My seascape art.

acrylic on canvas (80x60 cm)